Holly Zausner

Since 1996, Holly Zausner has lived and worked in Berlin and New York and has shown internationally at numerous museums and galleries. Zausner started her artistic career in the medium of sculpture, and over time started to incorporate photography, collage, performance, and film into her practice to express a broader range of ideas. Sculpture has always, one way or another, been the focal point of her work and serve as alter egos for her, as well as investigating gender issues, power struggles, dynamics, sexuality and power. Zausner has created many works and exhibitions through multiple mediums working primarily with themes revolving around gender, cultural history, contemporary alienation and the urban landscape. Recently she has concentrated on creating films, where she plays the main character exploring cities and existential themes. She is presently working on a film in Venice Italy.


In Unsettled Matter, you play a Noir-esque figure wandering alone through the deserted city streets, black trench coat and all. In noir films, this figure was almost always a man, pointing towards a gender dynamic that is often a subtext to your work. Was this part of the film’s intention, or do you see the main character as a more allegorical, universal figure against the grand narrative of the city.


In Unsettled Matter, since the only character is played by myself, it was always my intention that it would reference a film noir character but upend it, I would not be a femme fatale. The film would take place in NYC, where many classic films noirs were made. The city would be completely deserted of people and cars in iconic locations, creating an uncanny and disturbing back drop for my film.  As i wander through it, existential questions would be asked with no dialog, only through images. Everything was filmed in real time with no CGI, no people or cars were edited out.

Can the main character be construed as also a universal figure, yes, but there is something special it being a woman, alone, in an irrational situation, searching for something, knowledge of her condition, the human condition.

The film starts with a stunt, human suffering and ends in an existential search. No answers are given, the film loops, so the search is endless.


Broadway, Still from the film Unsettled Matter, 2015


Film Forum while playing l’Avventura, Still from the film Unsettled Matter, 2015


Grand Central Station, Still from the film Unsettled Matter, 2015

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